Using CircleCI 2.0 with Ember

Ember projects and addons generated with ember-cli come with a .travis.yml configuration out of the box, so it’s clear why TravisCI has become the default for most Ember projects. I, however, became quite fond of CircleCI while using it at my last employer. It has a great dashboard UI and a generous free tier, especially for open source projects.

After CircleCI 2.0 became generally available last summer, I transitioned our Ember app at $EMPLOYER over to it and found that the new version really had some interesting benefits for our project. While I’m not at liberty to share the details of the $EMPLOYER project, I thought it would be interesting to revisit some of the things I learned then and make some general recommendations for using CircleCI with Ember applications and addons.

Using CircleCI 2.0 with Ember Applications

I have a simple Ember application that I use for experimentation that is open sourced at rebase-interactive/gitzoom-web. I’m going to use that project to iterate on a CircleCI 2.0 configuration.

First, I adapt the default .travis.yml that gets generated by ember-cli into an equivalent single-process configuration for CircleCI 2.0:

  • While CircleCI 1.0 used a circle.yml file at the project root, CircleCI 2.0 expects the configuration file to be named config.yml and be located inside a .circleci directory in the project root.
  • By default, CircleCI 2.0 will run a job named build.
  • CircleCI 2.0 runs all its processes inside of Docker containers. I’m using a prebuilt image for Node 6, and I’ve chosen the -browsers variant so that Chrome comes pre-installed in the container.
  • While the the default .travis.yml sets the JOBS environment variable to 1, I am setting it to 2 since I know that my CircleCI container can run two concurrent processes.
  • I explicitly tell CircleCI to use ~/gitzoom-web as the working_directory for this job. This makes it easy to refer to the location of my project in later steps.
  • I define a series of steps for CircleCI 2.0 to run in sequence:
    • checkout is a special step that checks out the source code (to the working_directory by default)
    • Most steps use run and have both a name (displayed in the CircleCI UI) and a command (run via shell).
    • Since I’m using Yarn on this project, I use yarn instead of npm to install my dependencies and run my lint and test scripts.
    • In order to run ember commands (like the ember test command found in my yarn test script), I need to add ~/gitzoom-web/node_modules/.bin to the container’s PATH. I do this with a one-line unnamed run step.
    • deploy is another special step. It works just like a run step except that in jobs using parallelism, it will only run in one node and only if all nodes succeed (though that doesn’t apply here). I use | to define a multi-line command that will only execute on the master branch.

While this gets my project building on CircleCI 2.0, it’s not really taking advantage of any of the features that make CircleCI 2.0 so interesting. I’ll improve things by caching my installed dependencies next.

Caching Dependencies

Caching in CircleCI 2.0 lets you reuse the data from expensive fetch operations from previous runs of a job to speed up future runs of that job. To cache the contents of my node_modules directory between test runs, I add two new steps surrounding the installation of my NPM dependencies: save_cache and restore_cache.

  • First, I define a save_cache step after my dependencies are installed.
    • CircleCI 2.0 caches are immutable, so once a cache has been written with a specific key, it cannot be overwritten. I use a key that increases in specificity left to right:
      • The v1- version prefix is a convenience that allows me to invalidate all preexisting immutable caches by bumping up to a new version prefix (such as v2-).
      • deps- defines this as my dependency cache, as opposed to some other cache I may add in the future such as a source cache.
      • {{ .Branch }}- uses a template to dynamically insert the name of the Git branch that is currently being built.
      • {{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} generates a hash of my Yarn lockfile, ensuring that I get a new unique cache key any time the contents of my lockfile change.
    • I can include any number of paths in my cache, but in this case I only want to cache ./node_modules (a path relative to my working_directory).
  • Prior to installing my dependencies, I can now use restore_cache to look for an existing cache to pre-populate my node_modules. By defining multiple keys of decreasing specificity, I increase my chances of a cache hit as cache retrieval is prefix-matched:
    • First I look for a full match for the key defined in my save_cache step. If I’m on the same branch and my lockfile has not changed, I will retrieve a full restore of my node_modules.
    • Next I look for a match up to and including the current Git branch. Even if my lockfile has changed since the last build, I will still retrieve the pre-change node_modules.
    • Finally, I look for any existing dependency cache. Since it will return the latest prefix-matching cache, this still should be better than a full recreation of my node_modules.

It’s possible to also cache the full source code of a project, which may be beneficial for larger projects. When project source has been recovered from cache, the checkout step will perform git pull instead of git clone. For smaller projects like this one though, git clone is often faster than restore_cache.

Now the real fun begins: Workflows!

Defining a CircleCI 2.0 Workflow

CircleCI 2.0’s workflow feature lets me break up the build into smaller parts, each of which runs in its own isolated container. If one job in my workflow fails, I can rerun just the failed job instead of having to run the entire build over in its entirety. I can also define which jobs depend on which other jobs, which lets me parallelize parts of my build that are able to run independently from each other.

There’s a lot going on here, but I’ll try to break it down a bit at a time.

  • Instead of one build job, there are now five distinct jobs: checkout_code, install_dependencies, lint_js, run_tests, and deploy_production.
    • Since each job uses the same Docker image and working directory, I’ve defined these options at the top of the file using Yaml anchor syntax so that I don’t have to repeat them. Instead I include them in each job with <<: *defaults.
    • The checkout_code job runs the special checkout step and then passes the checked out code to future jobs using persist_to_workspace. By defining the root as . (relative to working_directory) and the paths as . (relative to root), the entire contents of the working directory are passed along for future jobs to use.

      Workspaces pass data along to other jobs in a workflow; caches pass data along to the same job in future workflow runs.

    • The install_dependencies job starts out by using attach_workspace to download the results of checkout_code into the working directory (at: .) of its container. It restores the dependency cache, installs dependencies, and caches the dependencies for future runs of the job. Finally, it uses persist_to_workspace to pass the installed dependencies forward to future steps in the workflow.
    • The lint_js job attaches the workspace and then runs the JavaScript linter command. It does not persist anything to the workspace as it does not produce anything used by upcoming jobs.
    • The run_tests job attaches the workspace and then runs the test script. It likewise does not persist anything to the workspace.
    • The deploy_production job runs the deployment command. Notice that the command no longer includes a branch conditional, as I define that filtering condition in the workflow itself.
  • After defining the individual jobs, I chain them together by defining a workflow called test_and_deploy (this can be named anything that makes sense for the project). Here I list the jobs that will be performed as part of the workflow.
    • checkout_code runs immediately.
    • install_dependencies requires checkout_code, so it waits for that job to succeed before running.
    • lint_js and run_tests both require install_dependencies, so they wait for that job to succeed and then they both start running (in parallel containers)!
    • deploy_production requires both lint_js and run_tests, so it waits for both jobs to succeed before running. It additionally includes a branch filter so that it only runs on the master branch.

The result is that each job runs independently of the others and in the order defined by the workflow (with deploy_production not shown as this build was not run on master):

CircleCI Workflow

Filtering Jobs by Tag

While branch-based job filtering is fairly straightforward (jobs run on all branches by default and filtering is only necessary to limit branches), tag-based filtering is a bit more complicated. By default, workflow jobs do not run on tags at all. This means that if I want my deploy job to run only when I’ve tagged a release, then I must modify the workflows portion of my configuration:

  • I whitelist every pre-deploy job to run on all tags using regex /.*/. This runs the tests on tags, and allows me to verify that my tests all pass before deploying.
  • I define two filters to control when the deploy_production job is run:
    • It runs only on tags that match my release tag format: /v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/
    • It ignores all (/.*/) branches.

Now my deployment script will only run on tagged releases, and only after the previous jobs (including tests and linting) pass. Since the deploy_production job requires both run_tests and lint_js to succeed, the workflow looks like this on tagged releases:

CircleCI Workflow Deployment

Additional Uses of CircleCI 2.0 Workflows

Once I begin breaking my CI builds down into smaller pieces, a number of other potential use cases become apparent:

  • At $EMPLOYER, I used CircleCI workflows to deploy to multiple deploy targets simultaneously. We had two copies of our Ember application running in Staging: one against the Staging API server, and one against the Production API server. By running the deploy scripts for these environments concurrently, our CircleCI Staging build didn’t take any longer to deploy than other branches with only one deploy target.
  • Using the --filter argument for ember test, it would be possible to segment out different types of tests as separate workflow jobs and run acceptance tests separately from integration tests and unit tests.
  • For addons using ember-try to test against multiple versions of Ember, it’s possible to break out each ember-try scenario into a separate job and run them in parallel. For my ember-octicons addon, see the CircleCI configuration here that results in the following workflow:

CircleCI Addon Workflow

If you try out CircleCI workflows with your Ember application or addon, I’d love to hear what other ideas you come up with!

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